.. _faq: .. currentmodule:: tweepy ************************** Frequently Asked Questions ************************** General ======= Why am I encountering a 401 Unauthorized error with :class:`API` or 403 Forbidden error with :class:`Client`? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're using a method that performs an action on behalf of the authenticating user, e.g. :meth:`API.update_status`, make sure your app has the write permission. After giving it the write permission, make sure to regenerate and use new credentials to utilize it. See `Twitter's API documentation on app permissions`_ for more information. .. _Twitter's API documentation on app permissions: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/apps/app-permissions Why am I encountering a 403 Forbidden error with :class:`API`? -------------------------------------------------------------- If you have Essential access to the Twitter API, you won't be able to access Twitter API v1.1. This includes all :class:`API` methods and :class:`Stream`. You can use Twitter API v2 with :class:`Client` or apply for Elevated access. See the `Twitter API access levels and versions documentation`_ for more information. .. _Twitter API access levels and versions documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/getting-started/about-twitter-api#Access Why am I encountering issues when attempting to upload GIFs or videos? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are encountering a 400 Bad Request error when uploading large GIFs or other errors/issues with uploading videos, make sure to pass the ``media_category`` parameter, e.g. as ``tweet_gif`` or ``tweet_video``. Also make sure your video follows the recommended specifications. See `Twitter's API documentation on media best practices`_ for more information. .. _Twitter's API documentation on media best practices: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/media/upload-media/uploading-media/media-best-practices Why am I getting an inconsistent number of / not getting 3200 Tweets for a specific user? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "For very high volume and high traffic accounts, be aware that the Twitter API is highly distributed and eventually consistent. We strive to provide current information but like any large scale system, you may see unexpected behaviours at high volumes." https://twittercommunity.com/t/inconsistent-tweet-retrieval/150635 Tweepy v4 ========= Why am I getting a :class:`TypeError` about an :class:`API` method taking 1 positional argument but given 2? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This and other similar errors are due to :ref:`Tweepy v4.0.0 ` changing :class:`API` methods to no longer accept arbitrary positional arguments. The 1 positional argument being referred to in the error is ``self``. These parameters can be passed as keyword arguments instead. Refer to the documentation for the :class:`API` method being used. Where did ``API.me`` go? ------------------------ If you're attempting to use ``API.me`` with Tweepy v4, you'll get an :class:`AttributeError` about the :class:`API` object not having a ``me`` attribute. This is because :ref:`Tweepy v4.0.0 ` removed ``API.me``. Instead, you can use :meth:`API.verify_credentials`. Where did ``StreamListener`` go? -------------------------------- If you're attempting to import ``StreamListener`` with Tweepy v4, you'll get an :class:`AttributeError` about ``tweepy`` not having a ``StreamListener`` attribute. This is because :ref:`Tweepy v4.0.0 ` merged ``StreamListener`` into :class:`Stream`. To use Tweepy v4, you'll need to update your code to subclass :class:`Stream` instead. Twitter API v2 ============== Why am I not getting expansions or fields data with API v2 using :class:`Client`? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are simply printing the objects and looking at that output, the string representations of API v2 models/objects only include the default fields that are guaranteed to exist. The objects themselves still include the relevant data, which you can access as attributes or by subscription. There's also a ``data`` attribute/key that provides the entire data dictionary. How do I access ``includes`` data while using :class:`Paginator`? ----------------------------------------------------------------- :meth:`Paginator.flatten` flattens the ``data`` and iterates over each object. To access ``includes``, you'll need to iterate through each response instead. Why am I getting rate-limited so quickly when using :meth:`Client.search_all_tweets` with :class:`Paginator`? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `GET /2/tweets/search/all`_ Twitter API endpoint that :meth:`Client.search_all_tweets` uses has an additional 1 request per second rate limit that is not handled by :class:`Paginator`. You can :func:`time.sleep` 1 second while iterating through responses to handle this rate limit. .. _GET /2/tweets/search/all: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/search/api-reference/get-tweets-search-all