.. _logging: ******* Logging ******* Tweepy uses the :mod:`logging` standard library module. The simplest way to set up logging is using :func:`logging.basicConfig`, e.g.:: import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) This will output logging from Tweepy, as well as other libraries (like Tweepy's dependencies) that use the :mod:`logging` module, directly to the console. The optional ``level`` argument can be any :ref:`logging level `. To configure logging for Tweepy (or each individual library) specifically, you can use :func:`logging.getLogger` to retrieve the logger for the library. For example:: import logging logger = logging.getLogger("tweepy") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.FileHandler(filename="tweepy.log") logger.addHandler(handler) More advanced configuration is possible with the :mod:`logging` module. For more information, see the :doc:`logging module documentation ` and :doc:`tutorials `.